October 3, 2017

September 2017 Reads

Sep 56 The Lying Game Ruth Ware
57 My Absolute Darling Gabriel Tallent
58 The Cold Cold Ground Adrian McKinty
59 The Heavens May Fall Allen Eskens
60 I Hear The Sirens In The Streets Adrian McKinty
61 In the Morning I'll be Gone Adrian McKinty
62 Lightning Men Thomas Mullen
63 The Misfortune of Marion Palm Emily Culliton

As you can guess from this list, I have another "new" favorite author, Adrian McKinty.  As usual, I'm reading them in order, although it's not essential, and the three from this month are outstanding.  These are police-procedurals that take place in Ireland during the time of the Troubles.  Very good reading and they gave me a different historical view.

Lightning Men is another police-procedural but very different.  It takes place in overcrowded and rapidly-changing Atlanta in the '50's.  This is fiction and it follows the first black policeman hired by the Atlanta PD.  I'm from SoCal, and the '50's in the South is like a foreign country, I was still in school when these changes were happening.  This was an eye-opener for me.  Mullen's writing has echoes of Walter Mosley and Dennis Lehane, two of my favorites.
What are you reading?

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