Nov |
89 |
Hunted |
Arne Dahl |
90 |
The Last Scoop |
R. G. Belsky |
91 |
From the Ashes |
Jesse Thistle |
92 |
The Kingdom |
Jo Nesbo |
93 |
The Law of Innocence |
Michael Connelly |
94 |
Winter Counts |
David Heska Wanbli
Weiden |
Dec |
95 |
Shuggie Bain |
Douglas Stuart |
96 |
The Purity of
Vengeance |
Jussi Adler-Olsen |
97 |
The Marco Effect |
Jussi Adler-Olsen |
98 |
Burnt Sugar |
Avni Doshi |
99 |
Big Sky |
Kate Atkinson |
100 |
The Heat Wave |
Kate Riordan |
101 |
The Phone Booth at the
Edge of the World |
Laura Imai Messina |
102 |
Dogs of Winter |
Kem Nunn |
This miserable year ended great, reading-wise. I found a "new to me" author, Jussi Adler-Olsen. He writes a Danish detective series. The two books I read were outstanding and I've ordered the rest of the series. Expect to hear me rave about the series in 2021.
Two of these books are must-reads, Shuggie Bain and The Phone Booth at the Edge of the World. Be sure to put them on your reading list. Suggie Bain won the Booker Prize. Frequently I'm not impressed with the winners, but this time I whole-heartedly agree.
I also really enjoyed Winter Counts and Dogs of Winter. Winter Counts is about modern Native American life and Dogs of Winter is about the California surf culture. Both good reads.
What are you reading?

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